Social Media Marketing
Social media is an internet-based form of communication. Social media platforms allowusers to have conversations, share information and create web content. Billions of peoplearound the world use social media to share information and make connections. On apersonal level, social media allows you to communicate with friends and family, learn newthings, develop your interests, and be entertained. On a professional level, you can usesocial media to broaden your knowledge in a particular field and build your professionalnetwork by connecting with other professionals in your industry. At the company level,social media allows you to have a conversation with your audience, gain customerfeedback, and elevate your brand.
Social media marketing is all about being present and engaging your target audiencedirectly, but at the same time, the medium is largely unorganized and uncontrolled. Inorder to succeed, you will need a strategy which helps you to reach out to the rightaudience and join in with the global conversation that is social media.
The Key ways in which social media can help you connect with your target audience: